About the Journal

Journal of Management and Innovation Entrepreneurship (JMIE) is a national journal as a scientific study media results of research, thinking, and critical-analytical studies on research in the fields of marketing management, financial management, SDM management, operations/production management, business management, innovation management, marketing and management, and enterprise. It publishes four annual editions: January, April, July, and October. All receipts of the script will be processed through a double-blind review by bestari partners. The manuscript must be written in either INDONESIA or ENGLISH.

Nama Jurnal Journal of Management and Innovation Entrepreneurship 
Inisial JMIE
Frekuensi  :  4 Issues pertahun ( January, April, July, and October)
DOI :  Prefix 10.70248/jmie
e-ISSN :  3026-6505
Penerbit :  Yayasan Nuraini Ibrahim Mandiri
Citasi :  GarudaCopernicusGoogle Scholar, Dimensions



Current Issue

Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Oktober
Published: 2024-10-11
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